
NorQuATrans team now complete

April 1st, 2020: NorQuATrans has now completed its team. The team’s latest member is Markus Dressel, a philosopher with a background in social theory and philosophy of science. In NorQuATrans, Markus will be responsible for the philosophical work package. One of his main tasks will be to analyze the entanglement of transdisciplinary actor roles with normative background assumptions about science and society. This will enhance the understanding of epistemological, moral and political aspects of transdisciplinarity.

Following NorQuATrans’ integrative approach, these insights will be combined with empirical results from case studies in the area of climate services. For this purpose, Markus will work closely with social scientist Mirko Suhari, who is responsible for the project’s sociological work package. The combined results will be used to develop both quality criteria for transdisciplinary processes in the field of climate services and a framework to evaluate these processes.